Saturday, August 23, 2008

Summer 08

I was hoping that the pickup would have another post. Based on the current entries, it has the most active life in this household. So, I have decided to tell some of the activities that Mom and I have been involved with this summer.

As usual, Mary taught summer school at Firth Elementary School (for the 17th consecutive year). It is a one-half day program, Monday through Thursday, for four weeks. Fortunately it is considered overtime. The funds where needed to help with a special activity to be reported on in part 2.

I finally took the advice of my children to start an exercise program. My choice was to buy a new bicycle. It is a big frame with 18-speeds. The seat has a spring cushion in the post. I find it to be most comforting. I also purchased a new helmet, riding gloves and a backpack. (Maria said that she had never seen a bike helmet that was so big. It is true, I have a big head!) I started riding the bike to and from work. It is 3.5 miles to work and 4.5 miles back. The difference is that I take the less traveled and slower side street to maximize safety.

You can see from the picture (maybe) that, as Mary describes it, I am the two-wheeled equivalent of a Mac truck. Amazingly enough, I feel better and have lost a few pounds. (I know, I can't see where either, but my waste dropped a couple of inches!) It is tough to admit that adult children can also have good ideas about life.